Noon Dismissal – – Share N’ Care is Available

12:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Share N’ Care (SNC) is available to all St. Therese Academy students from Preschool (PK) through 8th grade.


SNC Hours:           

  • MORNING CARE  from 7:30-8:00 a.m. and there is no charge for morning SNC. Please do not drop off students before 7:30 a.m. as there will not be any supervision.

  • AFTERSCHOOL CARE  from 3:05-5:30 p.m. and there is no charge for SNC from 3:05-3:30 during our carline pickup. Charges will begin to accrue for all PK-8 children remaining on campus at 3:30 p.m.

  • EARLY DISMISSAL DAYS:  from Noon-5:30 p.m. and there is no charge for SNC from 12:00-12:30 during our carline pickup. Charges will begin to accrue for all PK-8 children remaining on campus at 12:30 p.m.


SNC for students enrolled in Afterschool Programs and Sports Teams:  For those students in an afterschool program and/or STA sports team practice, parents are given a 5-minute grace period to pick up their child(ren) at the scheduled conclusion of the activity/practice. Students remaining after this period will be escorted to SNC and billing charges will begin to accrue upon arrival in SNC.  ** Please Note ** Siblings not enrolled/rostered for an activity/sports team MUST be supervised in SNC while awaiting parent pickup. They may not “hang out” in the vicinity of the afterschool program/sports team practice. Parents who are volunteering as a STA team coach may receive free SNC for their non-participating child(ren) while coaching their STA team practice/game.



PRESCHOOL SNC LOCATION:  Both morning and afterschool SNC is held in the preschool classrooms.

K-8 STUDENT SNC LOCATION:  Morning SNC will be supervised on the blacktop in front of the school office. Afterschool SNC is held at the lunch arbor tables (outside of preschool). During inclement weather, we will move K-8 SNC (afterschool) to the ART room.



SNC Cost:  $10.00 per hour, per child. SNC is billed in15-minute incrementson the quarter-hour on the clock ($2.50 for any portion of a 15-minute time frame).

Late Pickup Fee:  The charge for any student left on a day when SNC is not available or at any time after the 5:30 p.m. close of SNC is $20.00 every 5-minutes, per child, until the student is picked up.

How SNC is Billed:  You will receive a bi-weekly billing statement via email (RENWEB ACCOUNTING). This singular dollar amount will be for all time spent in SNC in a two-week billing cycle for your child(ren).

Delinquent SNC Bill:  A SNC bill will be considered delinquent if not paid within fifteen (15) days of the email “send” date. A delinquent SNC bill makes the family ineligible to use SNC. Eligibility resumes upon payment of funds due.



Share N’ Care is not available on:

  • the day we leave for Thanksgiving (11/22/24), Christmas (12/20/24), and Easter break (4/17/25) (noon dismissal days)

  • the last 2 days of school (6/5/25-Noon dismissal and 6/6/25-11:00 AM dismissal)

  • Please check the most current school calendar for changes.


Mandatory Forms on File

All STA school families must have a Share N’ Care release form on file in the Share N’ Care classroom whether you use it or not.  Records must be complete before a child can stay in Share N’ Care.

** It is vital that you notify the Academy immediately whenever any phone numbers change.


Here is a SNC example:    If a student is picked up at 4:02, the charge incurred would be $7.50

  • 3:31-3:45pm = $2.50  (15-minute charge for any portion of the 3:31-3:45 timeframe)

  • 3:46-4:00pm = $2.50  (15-minute charge for any portion of the 3:46-4:00 timeframe)

  • 4:01-4:02pm = $2.50  (15-minute charge for any portion of the 4:01-4:15 timeframe)