St. Therese Academy 6440 Saint Therese Way - San Diego Events
School will dismiss at 12:00 (NOON) today for all students, preschool through 8th grade.
Share N’ Care (SNC) is available from Noon – 5:30 p.m.
There is no charge for SNC during our carline pickup from 12:00-12:30 for PK-8. All students remaining on campus at 12:30 will begin to incur SNC charges. SNC is billed in 15-minute increments. Cost is $2.50 for any portion of each 15-minute timeframe (on the quarter-hour on the clock) or $10 per child/per hour.
K-8 students not picked up by 12:30 will be walked by staff to our SNC program held in the lunch arbor. Parents arriving after 12:30 will need to park and visit the lunch tables to sign your child out of our afterschool care. During inclement weather, SNC will be moved to the Art Room.
Preschool students remaining in the classroom after 12:30 will incur SNC charges as outlined above. Preschool SNC is always held in the preschool classrooms.