Oratory Competition for grades K-8

02/15/2024 - 03/15/2024
All Day

Click here to view grade-level specifics regarding poem selection


See the attached document for specifics regarding poem selection.



  • 2/15 ~ Begin classroom oratory poem selections. Please use the attached document for grade-level selection details. Once your teacher has approved your selection, you may begin memorization.

  • 2/26 ~ Deadline to receive teacher approval on your poem selection.

  • 3/4-3/7 ~ Memorization should be completed by 3/4. Practice rounds in the classroom this week. 

  • 3/11-3/15 ~ Oratory poems fully memorized by 3/11. Classroom competitions this week.

  • 3/15 ~ Classroom Oratory Competition winners notified.

  • 3/26/24  ~  Oratory Competition FINAL from 2:00-3:00 in the Social Center. The three classroom finalists from each grade will compete.

PLEASE NOTE:  8th grade deadlines for memorization/class competitions will be adjusted due to the East Coast Trip. Please check with Mrs. Peterson for your dates.